JK Netz

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[Ranking] “Johnny’s Group you want to see advance overseas” picked by men

 Netlab held a 2022 poll among male voters to pick the Johnny’s group they want an overseas advancement for.


Here here are the ranking results:


The group’s debut press conference was held in Hawaii on a cruise ship in 1999. The group also had their first Asian tour back in 2006. Definitely of national idol status, they topped the Single, Album, DVD and total sales category for Oricon’s 2009 annual ranking. ARASHI has stopped group activities at the end of 2020 but the members remain active in their various areas.




The group debuted in 1994 with their single “LOVE YOU ONLY”. TOKIO also had their first overseas concert in Taiwan and Hong Kong more than 2 decades ago, in 2000. The group was active as 5 for most of their history and is now active with 3 members. The remaining members have also formed their own company TOKIO INC, with leader Joshima as the CEO.


See the rest of the ranking below.


3. KinKi Kids & King & Prince

5. Kanjani Eight

6. Snow Man

7. Naniwa Danshi


9. KAT-TUN & Sexy Zone

11. Kis-My-Ft2

12. NEWS

13. Hey! Say! JUMP

14. Johnny’s WEST

15. A.B.C -Z

16. 20th Century


Original article

What would your pick be?